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Eastern male Wild Turkey tom (Meleagris gallopavo) strutting with tail feathers in fan gob

About LBCC

LongBeard Coffee Company was born out of a love for good coffee, and a genuine curiosity about how it’s made.  That curiosity led me to build my first roaster out of an old gas grill, a peanut roasting basket, and a Black and Decker Power drill (there was some serious redneck engineering going on). I’ve since upgraded, but the process remains largely the same and produces a coffee that, in my opinion, rivals some much more expensive offerings.


I love the research, roasting, brewing, and tasting process. Just ask my wife, she’s gotten tired of hearing about the ins-and-outs of good coffee! More than that, though, I really enjoy sharing that coffee with the community. Right now, the company largely operates on word of mouth, local sales. The ultimate goal is to grow to a point where you can find LongBeard coffee online, in local stores, and beyond!


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